Victorian Government COVID-19 Hardship Fund
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Home • Learning Centre • Covid-19 News And Resources • Economic Stimulus Packages
Updated 6 September 2021
The Victorian Government Small Business COVID-19 Hardship Fund is designed to assist small to medium businesses whose operations have been
severely impacted by COVID restrictions from May 27, 2021 and:
The program offers grants of $20,000 to eligible small and medium businesses, including employing and non-employing businesses. This program will allow more businesses who have previously not received support, to receive financial relief now.
Applications are open from Thursday 12 August 2021 until program funds are exhausted or 11:59 pm on Friday 10 September 2021, whichever is earlier.
On 31 March, the Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) year ends. With the ever increasing budget deficits, the ATO will be reviewing whether all employers who should be paying FBT are, and that they are paying the right amount. Who needs to lodge a FBT return? Find out here.
Why should you lodge an FBT return where no FBT is payable? Well, for the simple reason that it turns on a three-year deadline for the ATO to commence audit activities. This is a NEW ATO rule as a result of massive deficits due to COVID. The ATO need to gain more funds somehow...FBT liability is one of the methods.