Trust Distribution Resolutions - What you need to know before June 30


Trust Distribution Resolutions.

Imagine a trust is like a big jar of cookies. The trustees are the people in charge of the jar, and the beneficiaries are the people who get to eat the cookies.Now, at the end of each year, the trustees have to decide who gets how many cookies. They write this decision down in a special note called a Trust Distribution Resolution. This note makes sure:

  1. Everyone knows who is getting what (so there’s no arguing).
  2. The tax office is happy (so they don’t take a big chunk of the cookies as a penalty).
  3. The cookies are shared in the best way (so people don’t pay too much tax).

If the trustees forget to write this note before June 30, then the tax office takes a big bite out of the cookies (at a very high tax rate). So, it’s super important that they make the decision on time!

Smart Business Solutions can prepare your trust distribution resolution for you. If this service is not included as part of a tax planning package, we will base the distribution on the prior year’s allocations. However, if your business has grown, or if there have been changes in your business, personal, or investment income, we strongly recommend investing in our tax planning service.

This allows us to provide proactive tax strategies before June 30, ensuring you optimise your tax position. Whilst we always look for tax-saving opportunities when preparing your accounts, many strategic options are only available before June 30. After this date, your ability to adjust tax outcomes may be limited.

Trust Distribution Minute.

Ensure your trust distributions are optimised and compliant. Let SMART Business Solutions handle them for you before June 30 to maximise tax benefits and avoid costly surprises.


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