Budget 2024-25 is a pre-election budget for the people with everyone getting a little something to ease cost of living pressures. Like the Price is Right gameshow, it will all come down to the price paid at the checkout.
For business, there is the extension of the $20k instant asset write-off again. The Government has also gone all in with its Future
Made in Australia initiative part of which is to create Australia as a renewable energy superpower.
If we can assist you to take advantage of any of the Budget measures, or to risk protect your position, please let us know.
Paying off your mortgage is a significant financial milestone, but once you’ve reached the halfway mark, what’s the best next step? Should you continue aggressively paying it down, start investing, or focus on building your superannuation?
Self-Managed Super Funds (SMSFs) offer Australians greater control over their retirement savings, and property investment is one way people can take advantage of this flexibility.
On 31 March, the Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) year ends. With the ever increasing budget deficits, the ATO will be reviewing whether all employers who should be paying FBT are, and that they are paying the right amount. Who needs to lodge a FBT return? Find out here.