When buying a home, to live in or as an investment, most people will have the goal of eventually paying it off. A 30-year loan might seem like a long time to be making repayments, but you won’t be stuck paying interest if you’re able to pay it off sooner. Here are five ways to help achieve that that.
With our in-house mortgage broking division we bridge the gap between the countless
phone calls and emails between lender and accountant making your refinancing and borrowing much less stressful.
SMART Business Solutions is a registered financial services provider and perfectly positioned to help you calculate the level of home loan you qualify to borrow and how to boost your borrowing power.
If you’re in the market for a financial advisor with knowledge of the property market and mortgages, SMART Business Solutions can team up with you to help you purchase a property at the best interest rates and on the most reasonable terms possible. We are here for you every step of the way, providing regular check-ins to ensure you stay on track to property ownership success!
Our in-house mortgage broking service makes your mortgage and lending needs so much easier, minimising the discord between accountant,
lender and product advice.
We'd love to help you find the best loan for your needs.
Purchasing early in the year can provide six months of tax benefits, and various financing options are also available, including no-deposit solutions.
With summer well and truly here, and perfect boating weather on the horizon, many Aussies are looking at the best way to finance their dream vessel.
In today’s fast-paced world, productivity has become a paramount concern for professionals and business owners alike. We constantly strive to optimise our workflows, eliminate inefficiencies, and maximise the value we derive from every minute of our day. One of the key steps in achieving this is recognising the habits and tasks that drain our productivity and replacing them with more effective strategies.
As Australia's highest marginal tax bracket impacts more individuals, a growing number of Australians face rising tax obligations due to "bracket creep," where wage growth outpaces tax rate adjustments. This trend is expected to persist, with tax-efficient strategies the backbone for financial advice to help individuals secure long-term wealth.