We're running free webinars to assist small businesses in better understanding the rapidly evolving small business landscape and the
importance of 'Putting On Your Own Masks' in order to weather the storm and continue to trade, to employ others to supply and to serve.
It is essential that every business has a plan for dealing with the fallout from this pandemic.
A plan will give you peace of mind and clarity for decision-making for the future of your business, and ensure you access Government support
entitlements and maximise opportunities to preserve your cashflow and profitability.
In the worst-case scenario, we want you to have certainty about whether your business can continue and plan around that.
What we'll cover:
• Help you build resilience in your team and family at this time
• Outline the things you should consider now to minimise the impact on your business
• Share a process, a guide and a template for creating your Business Continuity Plan
• Give supporting information to help you engage your suppliers, employees, bank and advisors to drive empathetic and effective
• Outline some ways we can help you fast track the development of your plan
Register your attendance via ZOOM link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ZFEXUOu4Rge39_BimFuFYg
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Please register for this webinar via
ZOOM: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ZFEXUOu4Rge39_BimFuFYg